The answer is Wrong, the living proof is Kiyosaki himselves, he start it all by being homeless in 1985 to rich in 1989 and then to become financially free by 1994 did not take money.

It also does not take a good formal education. He has a college degree, and he said "I can honestly say that achieving financial freedom had nothing to do with what I learned in college. I did not find much call for my years of studying calculus, spherical trigonometry, chemistry, physics, French, and English literature".

Many successful people have left school without receiving a college degree. People such as Thomas Edison, founder of General Electric; Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Co.; Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft; Ted Turner, founder of CNN; Michael Dell, founder of Dell Computers; Steve Jobs, founder of Apple Computer; and Ralph Lauren, founder of Polo. A college education is important for traditional professions, but not for how these people found great wealth. They developed their own successful businesses.

And so the question is, "If it doesn't take money to make money, and schools do not teach you how to become financially free, then what does it take?

The answer is: It takes a dream, a lot of determination, a willingness to learn quickly, and the ability to use your God-given assets properly and to know which sector of the CASHFLOW Quadrant to generate your income from.

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